Cladding issues? Major repairs? Fire orders? Building seen better days? 

You know it could be so much better?


Buildings get older too.  Things fall apart.

We offer unique solutions where owners take charge of their destiny. It is not easy but the rewards can be huge.

We provide you with a real alternative to doing nothing and watching your building fall apart. We offer the opportunity to renew your building and protect and grow your investment and ensure it for a generation. We can also help you find the right developer if that works for owners.

Property development is a tough unforgiving world. It is easy to make costly mistakes. Not everyone has your best interests at heart.

Until now the options available to owners are to sell up to a developer, pay out of their own pocket or just put their head in the sand. Developers want to make money so owners expectation may be dashed because a project is not economically viable for a developer.

20 Illawong Ave artistic rendering

Christine Smetsers initiated, lead and managed the landmark $35 million redevelopment of 20 Illawong Ave. This project is the most complex owner run strata development in Australia. She has learnt the hard lessons so you don’t have to. We can save you years of heartache, save you hundreds of thousands and massively increase the amenity and value of your property.

Artist impression 20 Illawong Ave, Tamarama

We provide a single point of liaison for briefing and communication with owners. We facilitate decisions to ensure owners wishes are met efficiently and speedily when necessary. We can report to owners and act as a first point of contact for owners. This lets you do what you do best while we work with owners to achieve their vision and work through any issues.

Strata is different. Strata is many voices rarely singing the same song. Successful projects require client-side support and clear strategy supported by clear, timely decision making.

We understand both the legislative framework for building and strata. We understand strata projects and how to successfully meet the needs of strata law, contract law and the construction statutory framework.

We can assist in providing client side input at all project life cycle stages.


Take Action

Ready to take the next step? Contact us to discuss how we can help. Email us at